Barefoot Park TabajdTabajd

This uniqur park offers 21 sections with different materials including balancing poles, mud and water.
Nyerítő Riding StablesSukoró

Lake GálosLovasberény
Our favourite

Cziráky CastleLovasberény

Hóman GelateriaLovasberény
Our favourite

Lake Velence - BeachVelence
Camaldolese Hermitage - Majk MonasteryMajk
Our favourite

The builder of the monastery formed cell-houses for the hermits, who vowed silence and were only allowed to speak to each other once a year.
Botanical Garden in AlcsútAlcsútdoboz

The rare collection of trees and shrubs is a nature protected arboretum, and is part of the National Heritage. The park is open to the public and provides different programmes all year round. There are more than 600 taxa that can be studied.
Bálint Borárium RestaurantPázmánd
Our favourite

Agárd Thermal BathAgárd/Gárdony

Agárdi Thermal Bath is amazing mid-sized outdoor bath with the unique focus for kids entertaiment. Pools with clean thermal water offer lot of fun for children of all ages from infants to teenagers, also parents will enjoy them.
67 RestaurantSzékesfehérvár

One of the best contemporary Hungarian Restaurant which is only 20km far from Dióliget.
Bory CastleSzékesfehérvár

The 20th century knights’ castle was constructed by architect and sculptor Jenő Bory over a period of 36 years as a symbol of his eternal love for his wife.